- Fundamental of Nursing laboratory
- Nutrition laboratory
- Maternity
- Anatomy
- Community Health Nursing laboratory
- Advance laboratory
- Computer laboratory
Fundamental of Nursing laboratory
AIMSTo increase awareness among the students in the field of medicine to get a positive understanding between the doctor, nurse and patient in treating patient.For providing practical knowledge as a demonstration in the institutional set up itself without any barrier.
OBJECTIVES1. The actual part is attained if the students have imaginary set up of a fundamental lab.2. The teacher demonstrates the procedure of an environment in the hospital set up.3. The new students get direct experience to prepare themselves for hospital events.4. To explain the basic concept of conceptual and theoretical models of nursing.
FACILITIES1. The lab is well furnished and well ventilated with all the necessary equipment’s like patient beds, mattresses, bed sheets, bedside locker, linens and blankets, napkins and towels, bed cradle, cardiac table, wheel chair, stretcher, critical care unit (with O2 cylinder with flow meter, CPR dummy and Suction apparatus), different sizes procedure trays, and other instruments. And all the equipment’s are as per INC recognize and enough for each nursing courses.2. The lab also contains the manikin of three adult male and female as well as one new born. There is one dummy of hand with visible veins which is using to study the procedure of introducing IV cannula.3. There are some charts prepared by students like types of O2 masks, injection sites, methods of medication administration, procedure of T.P.R B.P, nebulization procedure, first aid kit, etc. The models prepared by the 1st year students are kept in the lab like emergency tray, medication administration tray, ICU set up, and Hospital set up4. The lab is equipped with all sophisticated equipment and manikins to facilitate transition to actual clinical settings. A large collection of nursing models, manikins, instruments, comfort devices are available for full practical simulation of patient care . Medical surgical lab. provides safe training environment for all nursing students in practical courses. The lab has advanced CPR dummy, procedure dummies and infusion arms for teaching the student required skills Different surgical instruments such as forceps, retractors etc are there to teach general trolley set up in O.T and for trolley setting for specific procedures
ACTIVITIES1. The students are doing all basic nursing procedures like bed bath, CPR, IV cannula insertion, IV therapy, Hair care, etc.2. They are used to study the instruments which are used in hospitals, tray set up, maintaining aseptic technique during the procedure, etc.3. They are allowed to issue the articles for the procedure. This all activities are done for encouraging the students to be a functional nurse.4. Medical surgical lab aims at making students proficient in assessing and caring for adult patients suffering from various medical surgical disorders. They are also provided with skill necessary to counsel and educate patients and families about the disease process and its treatment and prevention with the help of educational material.
Nutrition laboratory
AIMSTo acquired knowledge of nutrition for maintenance of optimum health at different stages of life and its application for practice of nutrition.
OBJECTIVES• To describe the relationship between nutrition and health.• To describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowance of Carbohydrates.• To describe the sources, Functions, and requirements of water and electrolytes.• To describe various national programmes related to nutrition.
FACILITIES• We have well ventilated and well-furnished nutrition Lab.• We have facilities in nutrition Lab. Like glassware articles, refrigerator, Mixture, Dinner Set, Dining Table with Chair, Table met, stove, weighting machine.
ACTIVITIES• To introduce students about Cookery rules and Preservation of nutrients.• To prepare and serve simple beverages and different types of foods.• To aware about principals, methods of cooking and serving.• To give knowledge regarding calculation of balance diet for different categories of people.
Maternity and Child Health laboratory
AIMSTo appreciate the Concepts and principals of midwifery and obstetrical nursing.
OBJECTIVES1. To acquire knowledge and skills in reducing nursing care to normal & high risk pregnant woman during antenatal and postnatal periods.2. To develops skills in managing normal and high risk neonates and participate in family welfare programme.3. To develop ability and skill for providing nursing care to mother and child.
FACILITIES1. We have M.C.H lab, which is well ventilated and well furnished and well equipped.2. In M.C.H lab we have the manikins like newborn baby, cardio pulmonary resuscitation child, fetus delivery.3. With this, models like stages of development of embryo, foot presentation, Types of spinabifida, face presentation, brow presentation, growth of the womb during pregnancy, placenta previa, stages of labor.Also, the lab contains specimen like fibroadenoma breast, uterus and ovary, fibroid uterus, aborted fetus, fibro edema breast, and instruments like cusco’s speculum, cord cutting scissors, pelvinometer, sim’s vaginal speculum, uterine sound, ovum forcep, feotoscope.
ACTIVITIES1. Demonstration of procedure:
Draping & positioning the patient for gynecological examination
Antenatal assessment.
Demonstration of normal delivery.
Physical assessment of newborn.
Newborn baby bath.
Care of newborn like eye care, cord care, feeding.2. To prepare posters & project related to antenatal diet, family planning, health education.3. To demonstrate resuscitation of newborn.4. To introduce students about instruments using for normal delivery, episiotomy and D & C, M.T.P5. To make the students able to prepare sterile trays like perineal care tray, suture removal tray, forceps delivery tray, vaginal examination tray & surgical trolley.
Anatomy and Physiology Lab
A comprehensive understanding of human anatomy is necessary for a carrier as a medical profession. Medical and allied health students study the anatomy of various systems.
AIMS• Acquire knowledge of normal structure of various human body systems and understand the anatomical structure.• To acquire knowledge of the normal physiology of various human body.
OBJECTIVES• To describe the anatomical terms, organization of human body.• To describe the structure and function of bones, joints and muscles.• To describe the structure and function of Nervous system and sensory organs.• To describe the structure and function of Circulatory and Lymphatic System.• To describe the structure and function of Respiratory and Digestive System.• To describe the physiology of cell, tissue, membrane and glands.• To describe the bone formation and growth and movement of skeleton system.• To describe the physiology of blood and function of heart.• To describe the physiology and mechanism & digestive system.• To describe the physiology of Sensory organs &endocrine gland.
FACILITIES• In our institute the Labs. Having proper lighting and good ventilation.• The anatomy and physiology lab consist of all the equipment such as adult human articulated skeleton, adult skull, pelvic, heart with large blood vessels, eye with different section, ear with different section, full set of dis articulated adult human skeleton, specimen like gall bladder with gall stones, cyst, appendix, normal uterus, placenta, uterus and sub mucus fibroid etc…and different charts of all the systems.• The lab is well furnished in such a way that the students are able to acquire their knowledge through their different demonstration.
Community Health Nursing laboratory
Community Health Nursing is the community oriented primary health care programme and the integration of community medicine with the primary health care of individual and community.
AIMSStudents render comprehensive care to the individual family and community and develop center understanding of rural community health management.
OBJECTIVES1. Students render comprehensive care to the individual family and community.2. Students develops clinical skills.3. Students are able to involve in community participation.4. Students develop IPR with the village leaders, community and other agencies.5. Students organize, assist and conduct health camp.6. Students organize; assist conduct the school health and child health programme.
FACILITIES• In our institute the community lab is proper equipped and well furnished with healthy environment of learning.• The lab consists of the all equipment for providing the basic care in term of primary health care like community bag, Maternity kit and others.• The lab is arranged in such a manner that the student of the nursing programme can practice the procedure and make their effective A.V aids by using various charts displayed in community health care and education programme for raising the health status of individual.• The College is providing all the necessary articles to student for their better understanding.
Advance laboratory
Advance Nursing Lab deals with the advance nursing care of patients with various medical surgical conditions. It forms a larger part of the B. Sc. Nursing curriculum. Subjects such as Pharmacology and Pathology are coupled with the basis of medical and surgical nursing to enrich the scientific knowledge of the students.
AIMS1. To increase awareness among the students in the field of advance medical and surgical to get a positive understanding between the doctor, nurse and patient in treating patient.2. For providing practical knowledge as a demonstration in the institutional set up itself without any barrier.
OBJECTIVES1. The actual part is attained if the students have imaginary set up of a advance Nursing lab.2. The teacher demonstrates the procedure of an environment in the hospital set up.3. The new students get direct experience to prepare themselves for hospital events.4. To explain the basic concept of conceptual and theoretical models of nursing.
FACILITIES• The lab also contains the manikin of three adult male and female as well as one new born. There is one dummy of hand with visible veins which is using to study the procedure of introducing IV cannula.• The lab consists of the all equipment for providing the basic care in term of primary health care like community bag, Maternity kit and others.• There are some charts prepared by the 1st year B.Sc.Nursing students like types of O2 masks, injection sites, methods of medication administration, procedure of T.P.R B.P, nebulization procedure, first aid kit, etc. The models prepared by the 1st year students are kept in the lab like emergency tray, medication administration tray, ICU set up, and Hospital set up.
ACTIVITIES• The faculty of the department imparts in depth knowledge to the students by various innovative teaching methods. Methods like seminars, symposiums, group discussions, care studies, care analysis, case presentations and procedure demonstrations are used to enhance the knowledge and skills of the students.
Computer laboratory
AIMSTo develop basic understanding of uses of computer and its Applications in nursing.
OBJECTIVES• To identify and define various concepts used in computer.• Identify application of computer in nursing.• Identify features of computer aided teaching and testing.• Demonstrate use of internet and email.• Describe the use of hospital management system.
FACILITIES• We have a well-furnished and well-ventilated computer lab.• There are thirty-five computers in our lab.• There is separate cabin for staffs and students.• There are sufficient chairs and air conditioning system is available.• Internet facility is also available in our computer lab.
ACTIVITIES• They are using the internet facility for reference purpose.• They improve their knowledge in the application of computer in nursing.• They improve their skills about computer.• They improve their knowledge in hospital management system.
AIMS1.It Helps In All Educational And Instructional Programs Of The College.2.It Develops A Habit Of Deep Of And Advanced Studies Of Subjects Beyond The Text Books Of Subjects, In Students.3.It Enhances The Understanding Of Different Subjects Or Disciplines Among The Students.4.It Prepares The Students As An Intelligent Aware, Informative And Enlightened To Play The Role Of A Responsible Citizen.5.It Assists The Research Works And Lays Down The Initiative Base For Research Work In Students.6.It Informs The Teacher With Latest Up-Dates In Their Respective Subject Area.7.It Provides Healthy Entertainment Material To Its Users.
OBJECTIVES1.To Preserve And Provide Access2.To Knowledge Created In And By The College3.To Support A Culture Of Learning By Providing Appropriate Resources And Services.4.To Provide Accessible And Inclusive Learning Spaces.
FACILITIESBooksNational JournalInternational JournalNursing MagazineGujarati News PaperEnglish News PaperOther Books